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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Snake Broke into a Jail- It's Time To Let All Those People Go

Snake Broke into a Jail- It's Time To Let All Those People Go

 A snake caused a bit of a commotion at the Arapahoe County Jail. On Monday the sheriff’s office posted photos online that showed the nearly 5 foot long bullsnake inside the detention facility.

The photo shows an employee at the jail — Sean McAdams, an inmate services technician — using a broom to lift the snake up and safely move it out of the facility. McAdams then relocated the snake to a grassy area outside.

Bullsnakes are common across Colorado and can grow to 6 feet long. They are sometimes called gopher snakes and have similar markings to a rattlesnake but none of the venom. 

Full story here.

I don’t care about context, time served, any of it- let all these people go. I’ve already got some qualms with our legal system, very possibly more than just ‘some’ but this is so far across the line I can’t stand it. You can’t just put someone in a cell and just let it be a possibility that a snake crawls in. I don’t care about the details on species or venom, or what. It looks like a rattlesnake that means it’s a rattlesnake. We’re not just talking physical trauma here, we’re talking fucking with peoples’ minds. If this isn’t considered cruel and unusual punishment already, then I demand we rewrite it. We need to rewrite it not next week, not tomorrow, but now. I don’t care how many years you have left on your sentence. If you’re just minding your own business the penal system of the US of A and a snake wriggles into your 7 by 7 cell, you’ve earned your freedom. That’s so fucked.

I know there’s a lot of people that don’t want prison to be a safe, comfortable place. Regardless of whether we agree or not, I think we can all agree that being incarcerated carries its own set of really challenging obstacles- and snakes is just too goddamn far. This isn’t Medieval England, we’re not just tossing people into snake pits for fun anymore. We left those days far, far behind us. There’s no room for error, people! Pythons are an epidemic in the Everglades and spreading to Georgia like they’re on the hunt for another summer house and newsflash, we’ve got to make them our common enemy or die alone. It isn’t right to leave anybody in jail with a covid outbreak, and it’s not right to leave anyone in there with a rogue bull snake either, no matter how “non-venomous” the mainstream media tells me it is. Let’s have a heart.

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French Nude Bathers On The Beach Told To Leave Because Kids Were Uncomfortable: What The Hell Is Happening

Banning Alcohol Is A Quick Way To Guarantee The End of Days

Banning Alcohol Is A Quick Way To Guarantee The End of Days