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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

French Nude Bathers On The Beach Told To Leave Because Kids Were Uncomfortable: What The Hell Is Happening

French Nude Bathers On The Beach Told To Leave Because Kids Were Uncomfortable: What The Hell Is Happening

On August 20, several women sunbathing on a beach in Sainte-Marie-la-Mer — a popular spot in southern France — were approached by two police officers who allegedly asked them to “get dressed.”

A bystander on the beach, Marie Hebrard, told France3 that she witnessed the police officers, a man and a woman, talking to various women on the beach. One woman, who looked to be in her sixties, seemed confused after the conversation, according to Hebrard, and immediately dug into her purse and pulled out a top.

A lot of women in Sainte-Marie-la-Mer sunbathe topless, which is completely legal in many beaches in France.

According to an update posted on August 25, the police were trying to mediate a situation and admitted it was executed “awkwardly.” A family with young kids, who had allegedly been shocked to see topless women lying on the beach, complained to police and asked them to intervene.

Full story here.

Oh shut up. Shut up shut up.

I’m so sorry kids that you had to see a naked person on a beach. How fucking terrible. This is insane. I rarely feel old enough to partake in the old “kids these days” type of thing, but this one’s got me. Every person I’ve ever met has a story about seeing a naked old person in a locker room. That’s a key part of the American childhood! Where else are you supposed to learn the full extent of how much of a double edged sword the human body is. Where else are you supposed to learn that beauty fades? That we all get old? That you’ve got to be VERY careful where you look in a locker room? If not the YMCA bathrooms of our hometowns, where?

I understand this is cultural to some degree. The only experience I speak from is a Western country with pretty relaxed standards on showing skin. That being said, this is France we’re talking about. The french LOVE nudity. Last time I checked we couldn’t stop the French from taking their clothes off! They’ve got nude beaches! We don’t even have nude beaches! What’s all this changing the brand about? I can’t handle it, not this year. So do me a favor, kids, grow up. If you go to a nude beach you’re going to see nude people. If you don’t like it, look away. If you don’t like that, don’t live in France. 

Also, it’s almost certainly the case that these parents made up the fact that their kids were upset, right? In which case, fuck these parents. Every point I made above stands, except for the fact you can’t use the fact that your brain is the size of a peanut for an excuse. Also, hate to break it to you, your kids love nudity. You come to terms with that on your own time, leave the sunbathers out of it.

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