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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Airlines Selling Their Meals To "People Who Miss Eating On Airplanes"... Which Is Nobody

Airlines Selling Their Meals To "People Who Miss Eating On Airplanes"... Which Is Nobody

Some airlines are offering their in-flight menus for sale as a standalone product to satisfy a growing nostalgia for the experience of air travel, The Guardian reports.

Little trays of sealed plastic dishes, just as you'd find them at 35,000 feet, are being sold by companies including Thai Airways, which has been selling the meals since April, the newspaper reported. 

Aerofood ACS, the company that makes dishes for Indonesia's national airline Garuda, is offering its meals as takeout, and airport staff can buy in-flight meals from Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific, according to the paper. 

The coronavirus pandemic has hit airlines hard, leaving them with surplus stock and a need to bring in money however they can.

Full story here.

This must be a joke. I know airlines are struggling, but what is this? What is this? Are we talking about the same airline meals? The soggy noodles? Eggs out of a can? Foil wrapped chicken? Nobody is missing that. The best parts of airplane meals are the packaged little bits of actually recognizable snacks that stand out from the absolute doldrum of flavor your tastebuds are facing across the Atlantic. That’s the thing though. You can just buy those in stores! 

I understand the companies are losing a mess of cash, but this can’t work. How do any of these companies expect to compete with restaurants or the takeout industry, areas of business that are also really hurting? The answer is, you can’t. No matter how fucking twisted your palette may be, I’d order the worst thing on the menu at any restuarant than order in from the Sky Menu. Have some pride. This is like selling individual board game pieces at a garage sale. Just fucking give them away already. Donate those meals to the thousands and thousands of people who are struggling to provide for their families right now- who gives a shit about the 1% of people who miss airline food. Maybe those people shouldn’t eat..

On that note, is this headline legitimate or is it rolling me? Are there actually people who miss eating on airplanes? Have i missed the pulse so drastically that there’s a whole sect of people pumped about this news that I’m not even aware of? Well, show yourselves, heathens! We’ve got restaurants going out of business and you’re out here getting packaged breakfasts to go from Delta? Go fuck yourself! I refuse to believe that is the case. There’s no market for this, and I beg the airline industry to stop pretending that there is. 

Homeless Guy Poses As Teenager To Take School Laptop: A Plan That Was Doomed To Fail

Homeless Guy Poses As Teenager To Take School Laptop: A Plan That Was Doomed To Fail

French Nude Bathers On The Beach Told To Leave Because Kids Were Uncomfortable: What The Hell Is Happening

French Nude Bathers On The Beach Told To Leave Because Kids Were Uncomfortable: What The Hell Is Happening