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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

AITA of the Week: Customer Furious That Bakery Won't Make Cake For Their Dog

AITA of the Week: Customer Furious That Bakery Won't Make Cake For Their Dog

A bakery customer is facing backlash over their “ridiculous” cake order.

The customer shared their story in Reddit’s AITA (Am I The A******) forum. In the post, they explained that they commissioned their co-worker — who bakes and sells cakes in their off time — to craft something for their dog’s birthday.

They left out one crucial detail, though: They never told the baker that the cake was for a pet.

“Am I the a****** for commissioning a dog’s birthday cake from my coworker who thought it was for a human child? She’s mad I asked her to make ‘dog food,'” the user, writing under the name, OkGanache6351, explained in their post.

Full story here.

I think there is pretty cut and dry. I’d go out on a limb and say that anytime you’ve been offered a full refund, and are still threatening to sabotage the business’ ratings, then you’re being an asshole. I also don’t buy the whole reason this started anyway. The “you should have known this was for a dog because we know each other” excuse doesn’t fly here. There’s not really such thing as “the baker should know… blah blah blah.” No. The baker’s not making the wrong shit for fun. Their job is to take your vision and put in the right ingredients so that magic things go pop and a cake happens. I don’t know a thing about baking other than bread makes you fat, but I do know that if you want to make a dog cake, that’s emoting very different than a baby cake. I also can’t imagine this is easy. As in, I don’t know if they share a single ingredient. Seems like dogs for the most part, aren’t allowed to eat a single part of the human cake, and I, a human, have no interest in eating any part of the dog cake.

OkGanache6351 claims it should’ve been obvious they were ordering the cake for their dog, which they often refer to as their “baby” around the office.

“I thought she knew this. I don’t have any real children,” they wrote, adding that “it doesn’t help that my dog has a very human name.”

Who fucking cares! Why does this matter? Just say it’s for a dog! If you do that, problem solved!

Are you the asshole? Of course you’re the asshole. You wouldn’t just walk up to a pizza place and ask them to make a dog pizza. I need to know. Are you doing this? Do you hate your dog? Don’t do that.

I may not understand the whole dog ice cream cone, but I’m smart enough to know it’s not ice cream! As such, I’m also smart enough to infer that not every ice cream store carries it. At the very least, I’m checking with the establishment before ordering my dog a fucking Vermonster. Get over yourself. Forget the fondant; go put some cheezewhiz on a dog biscuit and call it a soufflé for all I care. But, please, please, please stop posting to reddit, and calling your dog baby; that’s making everybody’s life weirder than it has to be.

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