Thousands Of 7-Eleven Customers In Utah Exposed To Hepatitis A
(CNN) Health officials in Salt Lake County, Utah, are warning residents that an estimated 2,000 of them could have been exposed to hepatitis A at a local 7-Eleven convenience store.
"The possible hepatitis A exposure occurred when an infected employee worked while ill and potentially handled certain items in the store," the department said on Sunday. The case is believed to be connected to a wider hepatitis A outbreak in the area that has been ongoing since August.
Customers who used the restroom or consumed a fountain drink, fresh fruit or food from the hot food case should contact the county health department to get information about receiving a preventive hepatitis A injection, the release said. Prepackaged items don't pose a risk of exposure.
Full story here.
Well yeah, this one adds up. If you touch any of the fresh fruit or food from the hot food case at a 7-Eleven you know the risk. I bet most of these people just assume they already have Hep A. We’ve all ventured into the hot food case at 7-Eleven before, alright? Don’t pretend you haven’t. Those weird churros with maybe cheese and some type of spicy meat? I won’t go so far as to call those delicious but they could be worse! 7-Eleven pizza and hot dogs? I mean if you’re in a spot to be digging into those, then you’re either starving and/or drunk and either way those babies will taste great. Am I sorry that these people might have Hepatitis A? Sure! But c’mon, these folks didn’t think they were eating at a establishment that won’t give you Hep A.
The exception here is all those poor souls who will get sick from just getting a drink from the soda fountain. If you eat fresh fruit and hot food from 7-Eleven, then take your hepatitis A and shut up, you deserve this; but if all you did was grab a soda, you don’t deserve this. Anybody should be able to walk into a 7-Eleven and grab a slushy or a XXXXXXL diet coke without having to worry about getting vaccinated. That’s the most fucked up part of this story. That’s newsworthy. Clean it up!