People Hating On This Grab-and-Go Table Prove That The Human Race Is Built To Be Miserable — Here's A Blog Are You Happy Now?
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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

People Hating On This Grab-and-Go Table Prove That The Human Race Is Built To Be Miserable

People Hating On This Grab-and-Go Table Prove That The Human Race Is Built To Be Miserable

Shana Jones has lost more than a dozen family members and friends to the coronavirus.

'Yes, it's been hard. I'm still hurting over all these deaths. All of my family and friends lived in my hometown of Albany, Georgia. I set this up because it was my way of coping," said Jones.

The Maplewood mom set up a table outside her home on Folk Avenue, collected lots of food, hand sanitizer and other donations for needy families, the homeless, anyone hungry during the pandemic.

She's shedding tears because she said about a dozen people, claiming to be her neighbors, sent her nasty emails and text messages over the last two months saying that want her donation table gone.

"One neighbor said they don't want to wake up and look at my table every day. Someone who identified himself as neighbor 23 said I demand you take it down or I will shut it down," said Shana.

Full story here.

Look, we’ve all had a hunch that the human race is a bunch of miserable bastards, but this is the proof we need. Times are tough, they’re super tough. The fact that I’ve mentioned that a bajillion times in the last two weeks’ worth of blogs is alone proof of that. People are struggling for so many different reasons, and if there’s ever been a more appropriate time for a grab-and-go table, I wouldn’t like to hear about it, because I’m sure it’d be fucking miserable.

The point is, if there’s a time for humanity to try and set aside difference and come together on the ground level, it’s now. We need grab and go tables, we’re desperate for them. Of course, people have found a way to hate it. That’s the human spirit. Forget coming together, or finding common ground- what makes us alike is that we can find a way to hate anything, and everything. We’re built for this. Feeding a bunch of homeless people on your lawn in the middle of a pandemic? Fuck you, who gave you the right to put a table in your yard. 

The crazy thing is, I don’t even doubt that these people are actually mad. This isn’t a troll-job. These people are somehow looking out their windows and seeing this as a huge inconvenience. That doesn’t mean they’re not terrible people, it’s just worth noting. That’s what separates us from the animals. Fuck the conscience-theory. It’s the fact that two deer can eat flowers next to each other without one curb stomping the other, and humans do NOT have that ability. You eat flowers within one square block of me and you bet your ass I’ll find something to complain about.

All signs point to this whole situation being fine, or at least fine enough. When it comes down to it we’re in trying times and it’s a table. You should be glad that you’re looking at people (at all!), or that the table’s not on fire. I’m so hungry for human interaction, you could step on my foot with a shit-covered boot and I’d still be psyched to see you. Hating this the human condition, but it’s undeniably impressive. Credit where credit is due, you miserable fucks.

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