Bible “Researcher” Who’s Failed At Predicting The End Of The World A Million Times, Might Be Figuring Out That He Sucks At Bible Research: Please Blog Curse Don't Act Up Now
A self-declared Bible “researcher” and conspiracy theorist who has predicted a number of failed doomsday dates is trying a new tack. Instead of giving a date, he’s giving a range.
David Meade, whose views fall well outside mainstream Christianity, told the Guardian that the biblical “rapture” will take place at some point between May and December of this year. When that happens, the world won’t end but rather the faithful will be plucked off the Earth, leaving the rest behind for seven years of tribulation. Then, he said, there will be 1,000 years of peace and prosperity before the world actually ends, which would occur by the year 3025, give or take.
Full story here.
David Meade, it’s time to quit. This is a guy who up to this point, has never grown tired of completely BLOWING when the end is going to end. Now suddenly he wants to switch it up? David you’re super bad at this, and I think you know it.
Zero astronomers believed Meade’s theory.
Oh boy yeah real bad. Brutal, a hard zero. Not even one astronomer. Yikes. This is why you've got to stay consistent. If you’re a end of the world conspiracy theorist who spouts of failed doomsday dates like last week’s lotto numbers, you’ve got to go all in on it. You can’t just start giving a range of dates. No, that’s the biggest cop out move I’ve ever seen in my life. Either you get it wrong over and over again until you get it right, or you don’t get to guess at all.
In fact, I’ll offer my one time prediction of when the world is going to end. I guess that the world is going to end sometime between the year 2020 and the year 4,000,000. I’m starting as a range-guy and I’ll stay as a range-guy, and that will be my only prediction. We’ll see who gets it right David Meade.
Honestly, blogging about this could be the biggest favor anybody in the world has ever done for David Meade. Yeah that’s right, we’re talking the blog curse here. The blog curse that most recently acted up yesterday, where immediately after I claimed that Russell Westbrook’s career was over because he got taunted by Mitt Romney, he put up 45 points and had the best game of his career. So, unfortunately, if the blog curse stays consistent then the world will end according to Meade’s plan. I thought for a few minutes about not blogging about this, but then again I have a self imposed quota to meet and so if the world ends it ends: but it won’t end without me writing 2-3 blogs a day (you’re welcome).
P.S. and also sorry.